My photos in brief: Call the sensory experience of space, object vs background and value relations for the human datum. It then makes sense to talk about avian or insectile datums, but also virtual datums. They all interpret the same reflected light differently. I believe virtual datums are akin to poetry and not an unfaithfulness towards my objectives.
- Art exhibition BLÅ (norw.) / BLUE (engl.) 2010.
- Art exhibition RÅ (norw.) / RAW (engl.) 2011.
- Photos of the strange and unusual
- These are not animals. This is reflected light coalescing in gestures
- Internal view of external landscapes
- External view of internal landscapes
- Photos from the WHALESHARKATTACKS gig at Vaktbua, 07.12.2023
- Photos from the N3 show in Lyngdal, 13.03.2009
- Photos from the Sherman Robertson gig at 8th Avenue, Vanse, 06.02.2009
- Music on a ferry
- Photos from Prague, 2024.
- Impressions from Leipzig, 2024.